Facing the Fears, through words that Force change. 🌻


#fears #anxiety #recovery #healing #innerchildwork #aca

The raw, the real, the emotions involved

can overtake the soul, the spirit, the life.

When choosing to step into the light, 

the light of realness, truth, reality as it is,

one can only guess as to how the journey will go.

To shed the plaque of hate, of hurt, of pain

that has built itself into a shield of fire and lies.

To shed the disease of sadness, of fear, of doubt

that has overtaken the soul in such a brutal way.

Rebuilding from the dust of defeat, of abuse

that no child should ever have to endure.

There are no guarantees, no certains, but

there is the truth of rebuilding, restarting;

at least trying to refashion oneself, to be

the body, the mind, and the soul you were meant to be.