
I know I can’t singlehandedly repair all the deep damage our ancestors have done to one another,….but I can do my part! My family line goes back to migrating to the US in the 1600s. I’ve found a family member in every documented war here. A year ago I wasContinue Reading

unknown person standing outdoors

They say to truly defeat, or at least put up a solid fight against something, you have to first accept it as real. πŸ˜” I’ve been in denial about my chronic pain for at least 20 years now,…really it started around age 13-14,….basically right in the heart of the traumaticContinue Reading


First year of blogging, so here are some first year favorite autumn pictures. πŸ‚πŸ It’s so amazing to see the seasons change! Nature really does take us through breathtaking cycles. Sending out thoughts and prayers for everyone that we are able to see our blessings daily, and remember to connectContinue Reading


Digging into yourself so deep sometimes it hurts. Trying so hard to find that β€œspecial”, that special something that they say we all have. Searching for the unique, the quest to have the knowledge to know the outcome, to be able to help them all. When does it finally hit?….. the update that the β€œspecial” isContinue Reading