Writing for the Right reasons 

When I started writing again, a couple of years ago, I told myself this is my journey, and I need be honest with myself. Most importantly, this writing needs to be for the right reasons. I must stick with why I’m doing this, and that’s to heal my childhood wounds.

As a child we don’t have the opportunities to grow emotionally in an abusive home. As an adult, it is our responsibility to do the work, definitely not easy at all. In fact, I’m still shocked at how much work I have to put in just trying to recover from those first 20 years of life.

Back to writing for the right reasons, and why this is on my mind today. As I’ve expanded my writing to other platforms, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest, it’s been almost impossible to ignore the numbers game. So, this past year especially, watching “how many followers”, “how many likes”, has become more important that it should be.

Photo by Black ice on Pexels.com

Me trying to be completely honest with myself and all my readers!!

Coming back full circle to why writing is so important to me. Today I’m so thankful that I’ve been given the opportunity to make it this far in life.

Going through the different life stages, having the chance to grow and reflect is truly a gift! After reflecting on this thought about writing, I’m realizing it’s time to get my head back in the right place.

I write because I truly love it! It’s my strongest form of communication, and I’m continually blown away by how healing it is to tell my truth, to say it out loud.

Live, Laugh, Love with everything you’ve got while you still can! 💜✨ Thanks so much for stopping by. I truly appreciate and value you all here.