#helpers #healing #recovery #stress

So I caught the world news last night,….accidently on purpose I suppose. I try to watch at least a couple times a week, not every night, too much can be just that….TOO much. The daily news included our CoVid updates, communities recovering from the tornado damage, and the explosion in Beirut, Lebanon.

I follow Billy and Franklin Graham on Twitter, so it was awesome to see Franklin reporting that the #SamaritansPurse program is immediately responding to the needs in Beirut and will be on the ground helping. I’m no expert, so I can’t debate all the specifics of this program, but I have heard good things about their ministries and I plan to learn more about them. I’m pretty sure my cousin worked for them also in a writing capacity years back.

So this reminds me of a “one-liner type” of life lesson story I heard almost 20 years ago, and I still carry it with me daily. It’s about giving ourselves some Grace. Our minds are not naturally wired to take in the extremely high levels of information we get daily. It was at a work place violence presentation at my job where I heard this “life changing” scenario. Our employer had a retired Forensics Psychologist, who had worked with the CIA, come in to speak on the topic of workplace violence. He noted that , “in a (1 way) commute to your job site daily, your eyes are exposed to more stimuli than our grandparents experienced in an entire week!” His examples included switching lanes, pulling on to roads, etc. Basically saying our minds have to make an extreme level of decisions at a rapid pace daily.

Grace! ??✨ I’m voting we need to keep this in mind when we’re feeling stressed out, whether it’s from the daily news, work commutes, kids yelling the background, the dog jumping up on everyone,…..the list can go on and on. Our minds take in so much information now. I try to keep what I heard at that presentation in mind. Our levels of intake are extreme, so we need more than ever, to cut ourselves some slack, and make it a point to rest/relax/take downtime for our own health.

So, for the news I heard yesterday, I’m also keeping the Mr. Rogers quote in mind when his mother told him to, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” Our information load intake is so much higher than previous generations. Together we can help inspire each other to remember to take care of ourselves, keep our own health as a priority in life. When we’re healthy then we can be one of the helpers, helping others in times of need. Airplane example of putting on your own oxygen mask first, then helping others.

Love and Peace. Thanks for stopping by! ❀️


  1. I love the quote about Grandmother… Yes, helping other is the best way to good health. You always seem to get more than you give!

    1. Author

      Just so you know I just nominated you for the Sunshine Blogger Award! Thanks for being a great part of our blogging community here! πŸ’œβœ¨

  2. Great post and love that you recognise how our brains are filled with more and more information, more than our grandparents or parent ever experienced. Sometimes, we just need to switch off and be.

    Like you, I don’t watch the news every day, it’s total overload and I can’t keep up with it all. We all need a break from the news, msm and social media sometimes πŸ™‚

  3. I hear you! I have to take the news in small doses. Too much bad information changes my whole mood. I begin to fret and worry about things I can’t change. And just being in the passenger seat of a car is scarier than watching a horror flick. By the time we get to where we’re going, I’m shaking like a leaf!

    1. Author

      Same!! I’m definitely starting to appreciate our true selves, how we’re naturally wired. I’m on a mission to find and speak my truth, while I still can. So good to hear from you. ?✨

    2. Author

      Just so you know I just nominated you for the Sunshine Blogger Award! Thanks for being a great part of our blogging community here! πŸ’œβœ¨

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