The importance of finding those lost family connections

It’s been over ten years of doing family research, and I’m finally seeing the most basic reason for doing it coming to the surface. 

A sense of belonging is no joke! 

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Our American dream, the independent lifestyle, the doing it all by ourselves thing,…it’s not working out so well in the long term.

After hours of digging through old historical records, it’s becoming more and more obvious that one of the main reasons we search is because something is missing. I’ve always made the best out of what I have, but these days are definitely not meant to be journeyed alone, long term.

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Today, I’m thankful for the long lost family connections I’ve been able to find, and the friends that have become chosen family.

That sense of loneliness is a real thing, and it’s real for a reason. We’re not meant to lose contact with our story, our families, our legacy.

Live, Laugh, Love with everything you’ve got while you still can! 💜✨ Thanks so much for stopping by. I truly appreciate and value you all here.