If you love animals, check out “Dog is my co-pilot!” 🐾 🐶 (featured non profit heard about on the CBS Sunday Morning show).


Surviving abuse, chronic pain, depression, anxiety, feelings of hopelessness/worthlessness, it all feeling pointless,….Faith, hope, and love has made all the difference! When the path is full of rocks and broken glass, I’ve found that my way out and above it all is to think about, pray for, and help others. What a life changer!

There was a beautiful story on one of my favorite shows a couple of weeks back, the Sunday Morning show on CBS. This story was about a retired physician, Dr. Peter Rork, who felt a deep feeling of loss and grief after losing his wife to an early and unexpected death. He went on to say how he needed a way to be of help to others. And of course by doing this, he in turn was also helping himself heal in a caring and healthy way.

He founded a program called, Dog is my Copilot. Since Dr. Rork is also a small plane pilot, he found a way to fly into rural areas taking thousands of animals to other shelters with high adoption rates. In the interview, it was estimated that he’s flown over 15,000 animals since he started this program in 2012. His max plane capacity is 251, and he noted that he’s carried this in one load before.


#pettherapy #healing #recovery

There are really good people out there doing really amazing, selfless good deeds to help; sometimes we just need to dig deep to find the good news. This story made me smile while hearing it, so it felt like a great one to share. What a blessing to take your gift and selflessly use it to help others. This is the kind of news that has gotten me through so much, and will continue to keep me on this path to full recovery and healing.

Live, Laugh, and Love my friends! Thanks so much for stopping by. 💜✨