Writing Advice to write about what Scares you


They, and I’m not sure who “they” is, but They say for the healing process a writer needs to write about what scares you most.

Well, after diving back into this writing journey after years of no activity, I’m starting to remember the highs and lows of the writing process itself.

It’s hard to maintain the 40 hour per week, nine to five robotic-like work mentality when you really start reexploring your thoughts to start writing again. This is when the demons start to stir!

And once these start,…lets just say maintaining a semblance of normalcy isn’t very easy.

So, when you finally admit you’ve shelved your calling for a bit, and then try to return to it, it’s not necessarily an easy transition. Especially if you’re one of the Passionate types, the ones who seem to fall under the ALL or Nothing mentality.

Here’s to finding the balance to maintain a healthy frame of mind while writing. I’ve already learned the hard way that alcohol abuse will set a budding writer’s journey to fail on a path destined straight for destruction. It may seem to help the creativity process in the moment, but the lows are way too dark to deal with longterm. 

One lesson learned, Lot’s more to go. 

Live, Laugh, Love with everything you’ve got while you still can! 💜✨ Thank you so much for stopping by. I truly appreciate and value you all here.