Does using “a Work in Progress” frame of mind actually work? #wip🌳🛠🧰


When a writer takes a break from writing, it feels like a little something is missing every single day. But sometimes the highs and lows of everyday life forces us to stop, whether it’s our mind blurring, blanking, or only outputting a very limited focus.

The writing break I just took was needed, but finally, after a couple of months, the mental clouds started clearing. Yes, it took walking my favorite pup in a gorgeous local park with trees tall enough to touch the clouds, and some so old and withered you can actually feel the wisdom and peace of time that has past.

So while we’re walking on this breathtaking path, it hit me that I was looking down the whole time, at my feet!??? Why, well, it was early morning and there were lots of little yellow slugs scooting their way across the walking path. I didn’t want to step on them! And then it hit me,….I’m spending all this time going a bit overboard to save a slug; and meanwhile I’m completely missing the peaceful and gorgeous scenery I’m walking right through.

Ok, a little but huge, lesson here for me. I can’t control or even miss squishing every little slug in my path, even if I’m trying really hard. And while I’m focusing on them, I’m missing my own view, the one right in front of me! Definitely feeling the daily Work in Progress aches and pains with this realization,…again. 🤦‍♀️

Just like John Heywood’s proverb collection in 1546, “Ye cannot see the wood for the trees.” And an updated version from C.S. Lewis, in a critique of William Golding’s novel, The Inheritors: “All those little details you only notice in real life if you’ve got a high temperature. You couldn’t see the wood for the leaves.”

Live, Laugh, Love with everything you’ve got, while you still can! 💜✨Thank you so much for stopping back in to visit here. I truly appreciate and value you all.