Personal Rx to help reduce #Anxiety levels! ❤️ Best morning routine pal ever. 🐶


#pettherapy #healing #recovery

No words really needed for this pretty one!!! ❤️🐾 But if I had to find a few,….

Unconditional Love!

Sweetest eyes ever,…just try saying no to this one. I do, but it’s never easy! 😳

Bestest morning yoga buddy around! Down dog is her specialty. 🐾 Yes, “bestest” is my new made up word for the day! Used to be my teenage tradition to figure out at least one new word a day. 😅

All around natural calming therapy dog, not “officially” but to me Ms Gracie is all that, and then some!

Photo by on

Happy Friday! Have a blessed and beautiful weekend. 💜✨