In a “throw it away” society, I choose to Repair.


I’ve heard that some of our deepest thoughts come to us in our dreams. Well, I usually don’t remember anything about my dreams, but they have been a little extra vivid and crazy these last few months!

Through the past few years it’s been a goal of mine to try to save and breathe new life into what few family items were able to be saved. It’s too long of a story for now, but let’s just say there’s hardly any household items, or anything for that matter, that have been physically passed down in my family, both sides.

Photo by Drigo Diniz on

Stuff has never been important to me, I learned that one the hard way. But, for the few items with family memories tied to them, that have been found, I want to give them a second chance.

We live in such a “throw it away” culture anymore. So, this dream I had cemented the idea for me that I need to get working on the few family projects I do have sitting around.

#repair #healing #fixing

I’m setting the goal out there to quit giving up on things so quickly, whether it’s people, items around the house, or ideas.

Our culture has gone way too far into buying cheap junk, throwing it away, and then replacing it with two or three more junkie items. I’m choosing to veer off this path. I want the solid items, the one old but solid oak clock instead of three Dollar Store knock offs.

Goals!! I want to at least try to fix the broken before considering to just replace it.

Photo by Gabby K on

Live, Laugh, Love with everything you’ve got, while you still can! 💜✨ Thank you so much for stopping by. I truly appreciate and value you all.