Being Humble and Kind to Survive, a healthy version.


I’m shocked and amazed over here!!! I honestly am! ? Who knew actually putting all these thoughts into words for the whole world to read would really start to clear out my dusty, fogged up mess of a brain?!!

I’m seeing the cobwebs and spiders actually starting to clear out,…what? I’m remembering more specifics during a typical day.

So I don’t have early Alzheimer’s?”

#humility #kindness

My body reminds me constantly that I’m in the mid range of life, even though my mind feels like a scared little kid most of the time. Working on it over here,…pulling it back together!

One life lesson I know for sure, I’ve learned it many many times, is……

oh my word, I just lost it!?? 😳 Ok, well, let’s just say the fog is STARTING to clear, present tense. I’ll have to get back to you all on that life lesson that obviously I haven’t really learned yet.

It has really been too long since I’ve written.

#cobwebs #brain fog

I do know that I’ll naturally strive to share humble Honesty, that’s one of my personal writing standards.

If anything, I like to write so much you’ll probably find out way more than you ever wanted to know. I appreciate your love and support more than I can ever put in to words here.

It’s so refreshing to really find out that you’re not the only one who finds solace in the written word.

My people!! 🙋🏼‍♀️ I finally found yoU! 💜✨

#friendships #caring

Tim McGraw’s song, “Always be Humble and Kind”, is right on the nose! I’m realizing that I had to adopt this demeanor to survive back in the day, but today I’m so thankful to have learned that it truly is the way to be, just with healthy boundaries. ❤️

So whether by nature, nurture, or just plain ol’ stubbornness I’m grateful that I’ve always looked at others through eyes that ”cut them some slack”, or “give them the benefit of the doubt”,….aiming to be Humble and Kind knowing I don’t know their full story, their struggles, or all their truths.

We really never know and honestly need to keep it basic; the basics of love and support for each other.