Growing up Outside, no money required


As summer is starting up this year, it gets me thinking about those childhood days. There’s just nothing like summer to a kid!

It might sound cliche, but none of my favorite summer memories had anything to do with money. There’s so much to be said about just getting outside, and then staying out almost all day!

All time Favorites

  • rolling down a favorite hill
  • bike riding with friends until the street lights came on
  • finding that perfect climbing tree, branch low enough to boost yourself
  • spreading out a blanket for a picnic lunch
  • two kids sideways swinging on the same swing
  • making cloud pictures
  • firefly chasing at night
  • smelling honeysuckle bushes lining the church driveway
  • learning how to filet the fish I just caught with grandpa
  • pushing his old boat into Sugar Lake and jumping in

Oh, I could go on and on,….Another amazing life lesson, growing up with hardly any money to spare and honestly not caring about it one bit.

Live, Laugh, Love with everything you’ve got while you still can! 💜✨ Thanks so much for stopping by. I truly appreciate and value you all here.