Appreciating and Understanding Native American Proverbs – Wisdom

The more family research I do, the more in awe I am of ancestral proverbs. I’m not native American, but I truly appreciate these proverbs that have been collected over the years. After reading just a few, I’m amazed at the high level of life wisdom they address.

Native American Proverbs ( – Great collection of Proverbs found online.

A favorite is listed as a Lumbee Proverb

Seek wisdom, not knowledge.

Knowledge is of the past,

Wisdom is of the future.

Photo by Kristina Paukshtite on

After doing just a little bit of research here on the Lumbee tribe I’ve found the following (Wikipedia site):

• The Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina has approximately 55,000 enrolled members

• Largest Tribe in NC, the largest state tribe east of the Mississippi River• Name taken from the Lumbar River

• Recognized by US Congress in 1956, recognized by the State of NC since 1885

• Participate in National organizations such as: National Congress of American Indians and the National Indian Education Association

• Archaeological evidence shows Robeson County in NC as been continuously occupied by Native people for at least 14,000 years

• Earliest European document referring to Indian Communities in Lumbar River area is a map in 1725 by John Herbert, an English commissioner of Indian trade for the Wineau Factory on the Black River

Lumbee – Wikipedia

I’m continually amazed by what can be learned in such a short amount of time. I’ve never heard of this tribe, and today I’m thankful to have found this information. Unfortunately, here in the US our historical education has been so limited to the European perspective that we’ve missed out on the nation’s rich, and very ancient, history overall. 

Setting another personal goal to really read these proverbs; and to take the education to use towards the ultimate goal of wisdom, earlier rather than later in life.

Live, Laugh, Love with everything you’ve got while you still can! 💜✨ Thank you so much for stopping by. I truly appreciate and value you all here.