Finding the Blessings on a quiet ordinary day. 🙏🏻 #healing #survivors #blessings #nature


Writer’s block,….I’ve hit it. Wanting to be able to say something so profound and unique, but realizing your mind is on “tabula rasa” mode = blank slate.

So instead, I can share personal updates and personal reasons to be thankful this morning. CoVid has hit our home, one out of four, so not as bad as it could have been. I’m in personal maid mode,…maybe that’s why my mind isn’t full of deep thoughts or even a prose version to share.

The days are getting darker earlier at 5pm now. Our beautiful fall leaves are being blown off and away. The sound of them rustling down the street is so cool! Don’t tell, but one of my favorite things to do in the fall is to step on a really big crunchy leaf,…..basically to crunch it. 😊 Simple things!

#blessings #healing #recovery #graciegirl

As I’m working, in the behind the scenes here, for our local Cancer Hospital, I see in front of me one after another, a father, a mother, a sister, a brother, someone’s best friend…..Unfortunately I know enough medically to realize when the chances of survival are very slim, and I see it every day.

So Today, no real themed thoughts have come to me other than to remember to be thankful; thankful, grateful, and blessed for each and every day. Cliché but true, every day is a gift from God. Live it like it was your last! Now of course, the Tim McGraw song is playing in my head, “Live like you were dying”. Guess I’ll have to share,….just in case you’ve never heard it. Talk about profound and deeply meaningful words!

Live, Laugh, Love with everything you’ve got, while you still can! 💜✨ Thank you for stopping by. I truly appreciate and value you all.