
I’m new to blogging, new to pouring out my heart and soul in order to move my own healing in the right direction. I’ve always kept moving forward, kept taking the needed steps, but am now pausing to remember,…..trying to truly heal from the inside out. When your dad isContinue Reading

So I caught the world news last night,….accidently on purpose I suppose. I try to watch at least a couple times a week, not every night, too much can be just that….TOO much. The daily news included our CoVid updates, communities recovering from the tornado damage, and the explosion inContinue Reading Good morning my blogging community! ❤️ I’m figuring my way out on here step by step, trying new apps, different themes, etc. What a dream come true for my writing spirit! And in that spirit, my prayer for you and for myself is that the spirit of fear hasContinue Reading