When You’re Overthinking the Obvious, captain Obvious! 🤦‍♀️ #anxiety

When you’ve done this for over three decades,…..and you’re really not sure how to stop,….because that’s all your adult brain has ever known? It feels like you’re constantly on an emotional roller coaster. You stop, make a connection, then take off in high speed again; stop, connect, speed up again.

It’s like that time in 12th grade English class, when your high school teacher, who is also a part time professor at the local college, says in his deep theoretical way, “write your winter essays on anything”,….anything?

I toss it around for weeks,….think way too much, and then decide that the “Santa’s of the world” has to be the best topic,….stop, connect, speed off,…..passionate but missing something. C+ overall grade at best; not the work you were capable of.

You think you’re a writer, but your mind laughs at you. Then the one time when a friend takes your hand, and has you really slow down. You actually start to see the how’s and the why’s of your “survival way” of thinking functions, and how it doesn’t EVER let you thrive.

But then the coaster takes off again,…

Photo by Dana Cetojevic on Pexels.com

It’s starting to all close in. The air is getting thin. It’s a new concept of seeing life choices clearly, through lens that don’t involve emotion,….they just show you the real picture. These are the times life requires you to live in the moment, to see it for what it is, to learn from it, and to make the hard decisions if you have to.

Photo by Mimi Moromisato on Pexels.com

Prayers for the new year coming! 2021 may you include love, kindness, and peace along with all of the speedbumps, hills that need climbing, and potholes we hit.

Live, Laugh, Love with everything you’ve got, while you still can! Thank you for stopping by. I truly appreciate and value all of you here. 💜✨