Positive, loving Reconnections. Personal Favorites I’ve found that share this message.

#beauty #nature #favorites

Forgetting to watch the daily news has become a blessing, a gift to myself,…a true way to allow myself to keep working towards unlearning the negative, the hate that my culture and history has taught me. My mom, the most peaceful, loving, and genuinely caring person I’ve ever known would approve of this list I’m putting together here. That’s my foundation, and she’s going to be my guide when I’m considering any “favorites” to list here.


A big cup of coffee, my favorite chair, and the 9am Sunday Morning show! It’s become a weekly favorite. ❤️ All of the individual stories aim for truth and platforms based on Love and Education. Every time I watch it I feel like I need to pass specific stories on to everyone I can. It’s the only weekly show that has this positive feeling effect on me right now. Definitely an easy 1st all time favorite for me to list.

Self proclaimed Book loving Nerd! ? Not much time reading the past 20 years related to kids, but trying to make up for it now. We didn’t have a tv until I was about 12,..long story, strict religion,….more on that another time. Top life changing #books I’ve read and can’t say enough amazing things about them: #goodreads





More to come,….