Inside Out – my mirror, my view,…not what others see. Did I say that out loud; ok, wrote it, not said it! #introvertawakenings

Funniest thing happened the other day,….when you go for a generic job interview hoping to be in the back of the store filling shopper orders,….and the manager looks you straight in the eyes excitedly saying, “I can see you owning that Customer Service area with your energy!”

What??? 😳

Here’s the punch line to that joke,…Interviews, I can do them with all kinds of friendly and professional energy, bring it on! But I’ve learned that the howevers/whatever’s/and whyevers of this true personality here is that energy it took to “knock out” that interview has now drained me for about 2-3 days!

Great that a manager sees what she sees!!! but yay me, I’m finally realizing what she’s seeing in this 30 minute window isn’t a 40 hour, Monday-Friday ability for me.

Being a hard core Introvert is ok,…good even; ok, sometimes good, sometimes not so much. I’m seeing that what’s working best is actually embracing my differences. That’s why that this Winnie the Pooh quote nailed my feelings spot on! Doesn’t always have to be complicated or overly thought out for it to make “just about perfect sense!”

Even a typically sunburnt, outdoor loving, “1970 something” kid with a broken arm from falling from the top of a super high rusty swing set could tell you that!!!