Mercy, one of the strongest words and displays of true compassion! It’s hardly used in our modern world. 😔 Let’s make this go #Viral ❤️ #loveyourneighbor #compassion #healing

#loveyourneighbor #compassion #healing

Wondering if others out there are struggling emotionally right now? I know this writing reaches a community all over the world, which in itself is awesome and amazing! 🙏🏻❤️

Here in the US, less than a month before our 2020 presidential election, our country is more divided than ever. This time must compare to the days and years before our Civil War back in the 1860s. The emotionally torn, rampant and violent rhetoric being thrown around like a disease, along with the division with the actual disease Coronavirus also happening,…..So much that can be said, and words that shouldn’t be said that have already been put out there. 💔

Photo by Mimi Moromisato on

Today I’m choosing God’s words, not mine. An amazingly strong Christian friend of mine shared her thoughts about Mercy, how God intends for it to be displayed, used, and shared. Thank you Ms. K for sharing the words from your heart with me! Mercy really is the answer right now for our country. If we can’t show Mercy to each other, God will most definitely not show mercy towards us.