Finding Tools for my new Emotional toolbox. 🔦🧰🔧

Three years into weekly therapy, monthly pain specialist, monthly medical massage, medication, weekly ACA meetings, yoga stretching….oh, and actually starting to use the resources I keep hearing about; that’s where I am right about now.

Being completely honest, my brain is in overdrive a lot anymore. This is partly due to personal goals and life changes I’ve set in motion for this new year, some small, some very big.

Photo by Akil Mazumder on

Through my medical community, I keep hearing about all kinds of amazing resources that are geared towards: calming the mind, relaxing the body, helping with concentration and focus,….In true everyday hustle bustle fashion, I’ve picked at a few, given them bits and pieces of my time, but haven’t truly committed them to my daily routine yet.

Some I keep hearing about in counseling is meditation, mindfulness, neuroOptimal brain training using visuals on screen with music playing to help calm and retrain the brain. I’ve dabbled a little bit in some local meditation classes, and a study at the local college, but haven’t really put them into my routine. 

Photo by Keenan Constance on

Headspace”, is one I’ve been hearing a lot about from the medical community. Apparently there’s an app, but I also just found it on Netflix. The Netflix series has one season. I’m on episode three so far, and really liking it. I’ve added it to my 30 minutes of free time first thing in the morning.

Moving Art, is an amazing nature documentary series. Each show takes you to a different, and amazingly beautiful part of the world. During the shows there is calming music playing, fitting to the landscapes and activities going on (ex. Flowers blooming, literally!).

#natureheals #peace #mindfulness

I’m the first to admit, I feel overwhelmed a lot. But after putting in the work here to heal, I’m starting to see that I’m not overly sensitive, weak, voiceless,…..

Depending on what you’ve been through in life, you develop coping mechanisms, and they work, until they don’t. Personally, mine worked for 30+ years. But they quit working when I finally accepted that my mental health has destroyed my physical body (ex. Fibromyalgia with burning back pain 24/7, chronic headaches,….). My old childhood coping skills worked, until they didn’t.

Today, I’m thankful for learning that I’m not in this alone, none of us are. Life does require us to reach out though. If we don’t talk about it, or tell anyone anything, our minds and bodies will feel and show us the negative effects.

This road isn’t easy, and I’m bummed to finally realize it’s likely a lifelong journey to healing. Dang, attacking the generational curse thing is a curse in itself. But rather than let it continue, I’ll just keep putting one healing foot in front of the other. With help of course. 

Live, Laugh, Love with everything you’ve got, while you still can! 💜✨ Thank you so much for stopping by. I truly appreciate and value all of you here.