Deciding whether to Show Up and Speak Out about Racism

Remembering this is only an option for those NOT being oppressed!!

The power of words has always amazed me. Whether you choose to write words, speak them, or find other ways to share them, there’s no denying how strongly your choice can affect the life experience overall.

#Education #Relearning #Racism

I’m realizing that after growing up in an abusive home, I learned that my words were best kept to myself. The last thing you want to do when living with an abuser is to light their fuse. The sad side of this is that it temporarily snuffed out my inborn passion for justice, education, and personal growth.

Learning from our US history, and seeing how ongoing racial disparities have continued, it became extremely apparent that I had to step out of the shadows.

This is so much tricker than I really want to admit, but briefly I need to address my personal struggles with the US racial story.

There will be some that don’t want to hear this, and that’s ok, it’s my opinion and belief. I have learned and will continue to come to terms with the fact that fighting for and speaking up for racial equality doesn’t mean I’m personally approving and endorsing everyone elses version of the facts. This is about my insight, views, and beliefs.

To preserve constitutional and Spiritual rights, we must be ok with differing opinions; and choose not to judge, manipulate, or endorse any form of hate crimes against others.

Live our Faith, don’t hate or oppress others because of it.

We must value the lives of others even if they don’t believe the same exact things we do.

Photo by ATC Comm Photo on

I’ll always be a voice for racial equality, and when I say that I’m not including every other “chosen category” someone may put themselves in. No, I’m only talking about the human ethnicity, race, God given color of our skin.

H.R.4 – 117th Congress (2021-2022): John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021 | | Library of Congress

With this, I am doing as much research as I can into the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021.

I’ll never claim to be an expert, but I will always strive to educate myself and to live according to how God moves me to in this somewhat chaotic life experience.

Live, Laugh, Love with everything you’ve got while you still can! 💜✨ Thank you so much for stopping by. I truly appreciate and value you all here.