Cowardly behavior in the time of a Country’s crisis 

I’m definitely no expert, on most things, but thankfully I do know that continuous education and caring for others will always matter.

After hearing about another elementary school shooting yesterday, 5/24/2022, our hearts not only sink but should start to get angry and proactive. As adults we are called to do everything we can to protect and care for all of our kids.

Photo by Gezer Amorim on

So, in the spirit of productive and loving education, I’m choosing to actually read the US Constitution. Why are Assault weapons so well protected by laws and business interests in this country? Sadly, I have a gut feeling it all comes back to the almighty dollar. 

This is nothing new overall, but the research is new to me. Less social media and more reading needed. That’s where my heart and mind needs to go right now.

Please love those around you, no matter what life stage they’re in. Look for the troubled, the lonely, the sad. Try to be there for all that you can.

Live, Laugh, Love with everything you’ve got while you still can! 💜✨ Thank you so much for stopping by here. I truly appreciate and value you all.