A Writer’s Soul put to the test. 💜✨

Throughout this healing journey, I’ve promised myself to keep my writing as real as I can. This comes with knowing that everyday isn’t going to be my best day; knowing that to keep this commitment to myself isn’t always going to be easy,….insert this week for example.

#thedepressionproject #mentalhealth

A beautiful friend sent me this quote from The Depression Project last night. She had no idea that this has been my week, all summed up, and explained just like I needed to see it. So Today I’m thankful for this friend and the time we’ve spent over the years being there for each other, caring, listening, encouraging, growing, and sharing the real with each other.

The eloquent words are not coming to me today. There’s just a blankness, a kind of black void in my thought process. The words aren’t coming to me, but I know they’ll be back. On this, I give myself over to my strong faith and foundation in God. With the hope and faith that I’ve cultivated over the years, I know that all days aren’t going to be like today.

Photo by Jonathan Petersson on Pexels.com

httsp://thedepressionproject.com (This is my first time hearing of The Depression Project, but I am going to look into it more here).

Live, Laugh, Love with everything you’ve got, while you still can! 💜✨ Thank you so much for stopping by. I truly value and appreciate you all.