Truly Living a Godly life vs. Thinking you are.

James 2:1“My dear brothers and sisters, how can you claim you have faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ if you favor some people more than others?” – A Warning against Prejudice.

These past few months have been so troubling, to say the least. Today I’m thankful that, even though my parents weren’t perfect by a long shot, my mom stood steadfast in her faith and practiced it daily by reaching out to others, taking them food, driving them to appointments, buying them bandages and blankets for their kids,…..God knew what he was doing when he called her to be a nurse.

medical stethoscope with red paper heart on white surface
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

Social media, Facebook especially, has been filled with so much hate, arguing, and nonstop political posts declaring everyone’s opinion, on everything, including who their voting for in the next presidential election,….all things I really never wanted to know about the people closest to me. I’ve felt the calling to share my beliefs on ongoing education and always trying to find the truth behind actions with my friends, but let me tell you, it has worn me out.

Thankfully, there are still some absolutely loving and deeply passionate people still out there who are continuously trying to calm the negativity and aggression going on.

God, today I’m praying that those especially, who claim to live by your word, wake up and really see how we’re meant to treat others. When some are so immersed in privilege and their own needs only, the needs of others just isn’t seen or heard. This prayer is also to help calm and comfort minds like mine, and many others, who are in constant shock and just can’t believe how others are not seeing that the least of these are still your creation, your children, and are all deserving of love and understanding.

Live, Laugh, Love with everything you’ve got, while you still can! 💜✨ Prayers for humility, love, and true humanity to overtake all selfishness and privileged thoughts that seem to have overtaken our county at an astounding rate this past year.

Thanks so much for stopping by! I look forward to all your thoughts and insights. Feel free to open this up for discussion as you feel led to.