Why do I feel such a strong urge to start this blog? Why would I even think about going from telling 2 or 3 people in my lifetime about my deepest darkest life moments to telling so many that know me and also lots of complete strangers? 👀 😬 I’mContinue Reading

view of elephant in water

Forgetting to watch the daily news has become a blessing, a gift to myself,…a true way to allow myself to keep working towards unlearning the negative, the hate that my culture and history has taught me. My mom, the most peaceful, loving, and genuinely caring person I’ve ever known wouldContinue Reading


Two teenagers, two pets, one husband, and new Dollar store reading glasses,…what more could a girl ask for! Well, here’s the reality…so the “to do” list has the following for the day: check the car tires, need cat food/dog food/treats for both. Is my 9:30am appointment today or tomorrow? SortContinue Reading