nativity scene table decor

This is my least favorite question,….I never have a prepped answer ready! Oh, the new air fryer that everyone has, or the subscription of the month to that favorite magazine, or something to do with music (which I haven’t kept up on this year at all)!! 🤦‍♀️ It’s just neverContinue Reading


Digging into yourself so deep sometimes it hurts. Trying so hard to find that “special”, that special something that they say we all have. Searching for the unique, the quest to have the knowledge to know the outcome, to be able to help them all. When does it finally hit?….. the update that the “special” isContinue Reading


No words really needed for this pretty one!!! ❤️🐾 But if I had to find a few,…. Unconditional Love! Sweetest eyes ever,…just try saying no to this one. I do, but it’s never easy! 😳 Bestest morning yoga buddy around! Down dog is her specialty. 🐾 Yes, “bestest” is myContinue Reading