Finding Tools for my new Emotional toolbox. 🔦🧰🔧
Three years into weekly therapy, monthly pain specialist, monthly medical massage, medication, weekly ACA meetings, yoga stretching….oh, and actually starting to use the resources I keep hearing about; that’s where I am right about now. Being completely honest, my brain is in overdrive a lot anymore. This is partly dueContinue Reading
Faith over Fear! Choosing which one wins.
It’s hard to explain, but anything I’ve ever made fun of (ex. Mini vans), or things I’ve feared (Cancer, mom passing young) has been, ever so gently, placed right in my lap to deal with. Yes, so I honestly don’t make fun of anything anymore,….karma, or whatever it is, hasContinue Reading
Adult Children of Alcoholics/Addiction (ACA), and finding the glimmer of light, of hope to heal. 💜✨
Since writing has always been my best way to communicate, I suppose it’s a really good thing that I’ve finally found my way back to it. I’m two and a half years into my healing journey now, and still can’t believe how much I don’t know about being really healthy. Continue Reading
Real Faith, in times of trouble. 🙏🏻
Yes, I used to almost fall asleep in all my school history classes. Wow, if I knew then what I know now! 🤦♀️ But I’m not going to beat myself up about it,…there are always multiple variables around us. It’s hard to tell what teaching style was being used, how engaging theContinue Reading
Empath Down
Empath Down Empath Down — Read on Reading