
On a good day, which means I got a good night sleep and am not feeling overly anxious or achy, it’s so much easier to see life’s blessings. Through this writing journey towards true inner healing, from the inside out, the highest goal has to be to see the blessings everyContinue Reading

landscape photography of flower garden

If I could give everyone only one gift, I know exactly what I’d do. I’ve been fortunate enough to go from knowing absolutely nothing about my family history to now having more information than I know what to do with! It can be overwhelming some days, but it’s still a blessing that IContinue Reading


There are so many reasons why some of us can’t get enough of digging for old family records, seeing those War draft cards signed by our great grandfathers, the baptismal records from our great great grandmothers in the 1800s! To go into the reasons why some of us are a bit obsessed isn’tContinue Reading


It will always amaze me how different one day can be from the last. 🤦‍♀️ No complaints here, but wow, today I’m beyond thankful for another new day! Another chance to put in the work towards living a true and healthy life. It’s so nice to finally see myself andContinue Reading


Throughout this healing journey, I’ve promised myself to keep my writing as real as I can. This comes with knowing that everyday isn’t going to be my best day; knowing that to keep this commitment to myself isn’t always going to be easy,….insert this week for example. A beautiful friend sentContinue Reading