If I could give everyone only one gift, I know exactly what I’d do. I’ve been fortunate enough to go from knowing absolutely nothing about my family history to now having more information than I know what to do with! It can be overwhelming some days, but it’s still a blessing that I know everyone needs.
My parents were the baby boomer generation. They had a lot going on around them, socially, environmentally, spiritually,…they were one of the first entire generations to question everything. Along with all the breaking away from social norms, finding their own path, their own ways overall, they left something behind. Family history was left as history, stories weren’t passed on. It was the age of self-recreation, individualism, independence,…..leading to isolation and anxiety, but that’s a story for another time.
It’s absolutely mind blowing how much genealogy information is just one click away now! Three hours later, and I promise you’ll be shocked at what you find, and how much time you just spent looking through it all. The hand written ledgers, family wills in beautiful cursive handwriting, pictures of immigrant family members that others have found and are now sharing,….there just aren’t enough words to explain the feeling when seeing these for the first time.
Your family, your stories, your history, your roots. It’s so true that the strength of a tree starts with the roots. Without your roots, you lose the community that you are a natural part of. And this is helping to bring me to the surface level of starting to feel like I truly belong.
Live, Laugh, Love, with everything you’ve got, while you still can! 💜✨ Thank you for stopping by. I truly appreciate and value you all.