DNA from Sitting Bull proves his direct family line

Our Family roots, our stories, our histories are so important!

I’m so excited to read this morning that Ernie Lapointe, a Native American author, has been unquestionability proven right in his claims over the years that he is a direct descendant of Sitting Bull (Tatanka Lyotake).

The neatest part of this current story is that the DNA came from a lock of Sitting Bull’s hair. Cambridge University ran the testing and came back with the match.


When we talk about reparations and ways to restore and give back to cultural groups that have been so mistreated over the years, this qualifies as a beautiful start.

After doing my own family research, I can say firsthand that there’s nothing like knowing exactly who and where you came from.

#nativeamericans #pixabaypictures #history

I wrote an article months back about this, and still feel this is one of the greatest gifts we can give to each other. It was so nice to read this great news this morning!

Live, Laugh, Love with everything you’ve got while you still can! πŸ’œβœ¨ Thanks so much for stopping by. I truly appreciate and value you all.